Thursday, May 07, 2009

Next Challenge Please

We're driving to out next duty station today. I wanted to mark this moment because it is the next transition to my next challenge which is to attend the DSc (Doctor of Science) in Orthopedics for Physician Assistants. I also wanted to reflect back to my previous accomplishments and I am in awe of myself on what I have accomplished. "It's not bragging if you've really done it". However, people may wonder why I subject myself to these grueling endeavors. I also wonder at that myself. The closest I know of explaining this is that I love to be challenged and the greatest challenge is to challenge myself. I do not do it to impress other people. In fact, I've learned that it is better not to let people know what I'm doing because there are actually people out there who don't want other people to succeed. I've learned that it's better for me to let people know what I've done rather than what I'm doing. So, then, why am I writing this on a public blog you may ask. Well, I've learned that not many people really care what I'm up to, this blog is mostly for me to document and read my reflections, my struggles and my experiences. I have so many plans for the future and it's fun to read my previous blogs to reexperience those moments. So, now that we're enroute to the next challenge, I will be in the process of doing yet another "to-do" list and my usual short/mid/long-term plans... to be continued.

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