Sunday, October 06, 2013

Day 1 (Sunday 06 OCT 2013) Joint Base San Antonio "America Needs PAs" 2013 - Kick Off Event, Stonewerks

2013 PA Week - America Needs PAs
       Held every year from Oct. 6-12, National PA Week is a celebration of the PA profession. PAs across the country use National PA Week to increase awareness of both the PA profession and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

       Military Physician Assistants will be celebrating as well. Join them in promoting a healthy lifestyle and show your support why “America Needs PAs."
2013 PA Week Music Slide Show- by CPT Joanna Sanford, Fort Hood, Texas

DAY 1, Kick Off Event, Stonewerks No Host Social

Mini reunion with old friends from previous duty stations and making new connections as we celebrate the best profession-- physician assistant. Happy PA week! Thank you to MAJ Felipe Galvan for organizing our Kick Off Event at Stonewerks.








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